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to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!

Why You Should Join a Senior Rep Program

Why You Should Join a Senior Rep Program

If you are reading this, I am guessing that you will be a High School Senior in the near future. If so… YAY! I love chatting about senior sessions and why you should join a Senior Rep program. In this post I am going to cover some general basics of most programs and at the very end, I am going to share a little bit about my Senior Rep program, LC Senior Reps. So keep on reading…

What is a Senior Rep Program?

So what is a Senior Rep Program? Simply put a Senior Rep program is similar to an ambassador or affiliate program with a Senior photographer. Usually, with a group of girls from multiple schools who are graduating in the same class year as you. Typically, there is an application process, as not all applicants are accepted to ensure the photographer is creating a program with a group of girls who are EXCITED to spread the word about the photographer. Once in the program, Senior Reps, spread the word and promote the photographer and their senior portraits throughout the duration of their senior year. In exchange, the photographer will reward or gift the seniors for each referral they make. Sometimes it’s gift cards, free hair and makeup, free cap and gown session, cash or miscellaneous gifts.

denver senior portrait photographer

Why you need to join one

So let’s dive into, why you should join a senior rep program. To start, Senior Rep programs generally last for the duration of your senior year and add a LOT of excitement to your final year of High School. It gives you a unique, personalized and exclusive experience that most of your classmates won’t receive. Next, you are able to earn FREE stuff. That’s right, FREE STUFF. I have seen Senior photographers offer anything from, free sessions, gift cards, free hair and makeup, money and other gifts. Who doesn’t like earning free stuff?

How to find a program that excites you

The best advice I can give any soon to be senior, is to start researching Senior photographers during their Junior year. Start looking around and find a photographer who MOST IMPORTANTLY has photographs that you love. That’s the most important part. You NEED to love the photographer’s work. Next, see if you connect with their personality. You guys don’t need to be the exact same person, but it’s important that you would be excited to work with the photographer. Especially, since you would be working with them for an entire year that is very important to you. Last, peruse their site. Do they offer a Senior Rep program? If they do, apply early. The earlier the better! Make sure you put time and thought into your application too, so you have a better chance of being accepted. If for some reason, they don’t or you don’t see one. Reach out and ask. There is no harm in asking. You never know, maybe they are thinking about it or are in the works of putting one together.

Did you know?

That I, Alyssa, owner and creator of Loosearrow & Co, offers a Senior Rep program? It’s called, LC Senior Rep program. And I am currently accepting applications for soon to be seniors for the Class of 2023. If you are a junior in the state of Colorado I would LOVE for you to apply. You can find the details for the program HERE.

I hope you found, Why You Should Join a Senior Rep Program, helpful! Be sure to join the LC Insiders Newsletter to stay up to date on all future blog posts. I will be sharing more helpful tips and tricks for senior sessions each month!

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