now Accepting class of 2021 Senior rep applications



fun fact no. 1

my team uniform typically consists of mostly black topped with lots of cat hair.... i picked a great team color to be paired with pet hair. 

team uniform qualifies as last nights pjs, sweatpants or yoga pants paired with a sweatshirt. i like to be comfy. 

fun fact no. 2

i can eat an entire jar of pickles in one sitting but the jar can't be thrown away till i have a chance to drink the pickle juice. yes. you read that right. i save pickleless pickle jars in the fridge until i drink the pickle juice. there is always at least one. 



fun fact no. 3

some of my favorite things to eat besides pickles are; hooters hot wings, chesters hot fries, lays potato chips, chickfila nuggets and sandwiches. 



fun fact no. 4

things i look forward to every year; baseball season, starting my garden, the start of summer, garage sales, the start of fall, snow days, the beginning of December... i love the christmas spirit. 



fun fact no. 5

i have 3 cats; midnight (girl black cat), blue (girl grey) and smokey (boy grey). Blue and smokey are pretty close to identical upon first glance. but we can tell them apart (aside from personalities) by their eye shapes, slight color difference and belly fur pattern. midnight funnily enough has two little patches of white hair on her chest and belly. 



hey there

hey there

thanks for checking out my little corner of the internet!

I am a multi-passionate creator based in Colorado… but I always have my bags packed for my next wheels up adventure. So hint hint, I will travel for work (twist my arm)!

the story behind loosearrow & co

during a time of transition for me,  during the process of changing my last name, i wanted to create a one stop shop for everything i encompassed as a person, everything i did and was passionate about.  I was searching for a way to preserve my maiden name, lucero, a name i hold dearly, as it is a large part of my identity. after my grandma passed in 2018, we were going through her and my grandpa's belongings and i came across a name plate that belonged to my grandpa. it simply read, loosearrow. a play on his last name lucero and a fun nickname. this name plate was a beautiful piece of inspiration to not only honor my maiden name, but a nickname my grandpa went by. under this new name, i could not only house my photo + film business, but also my passion for essential oils, blogging, my other artistic expressions, resources for other creatives and my love for my amazon prime membership. so thus, alyssa lucero photo + film was reborn as loosearrow & co. 

Most days you will find me in my coziest sweatpants and sweater on the couch working while diffusing my favorite oils and listening (binge watching) A L L the Harry Potter movies! I believe in being the best version of myself each day, that some day I will own a farm filled with furry creatures of all sizes (a fun surprise for CJ) and that there should be more Harry Potter themed books and movies in the world. I am a connoisseur of perfectly salted margaritas, aspiring gardener, world champion itinerary maker, painter and a coffee drinking DIY enthusiast. ​

I'm Alyssa, the face behind loosearrow & co! basically i am known as Photographer, filmmaker for Colorado high school Seniors, families, brands and a Professional cat cuddling master! just to name a few!

stay in the know

stay in the know

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cats... I'm that crazy cat lady!

wannabe professional chick-fil-a nuggets conniseur 

essential oils... it's time to oil up buttercup!

take me out to the ball game...


in november of 2017 we rescued 3 little kittens who have taken over our house ever since! I am offically a dog person turned crazy cat lady... Continusously searching for kitten No. 4 to add to our fleet!

I love baseball... Every year I count the days down to opening day and I am still waiting for the day that the rockies win the world series!
and now this year i am waiting for baseball season to begin.... i feel like my soul is dying. my favorite things at coors stadium are the footlong hotdogs, cinnamon sugar tornados (give me one.... or twenty) and fresh squeezed lemonade!! yumm!

If you want to find me before your session or after... check the nearest chick-fil-a! i'm a sucker for their chicken nuggets, chick-fil-a sauce and frozen lemonades....yumm!

need i say more??? some of my faves are; hot and iced tea and coffee, lattes, coconut oolong, chai, matcha and earl grey... just to name a few! 

i love baking and cooking. i am by no means a chef or a baker but i love trying new recipes, learning and perfecting. 

who doesn't love amazon? am i right? i am an amzon associate and i absolutely love recommending and sharing the awesome products i have purchased from amazon as well as the ones i have researched and read reviews of! i receive a small kickback for purchases made from the links i share. which of course help me feed the cute fluff balls below. 

I am all about being preventative in my health and wellness. Two years ago i started using young living essential oils and products and began ditching the toxins in my home. I want to help you do the same!

Fun fact when i first started my business i would hunker down in the tv room put in the 1st harry potter movie, work on my website, marketing, etc and slowly proceed to go though the series!

this year is the first year i have had a successful garden.... thanks quarantine! now that i know i can do it and what to do, i am looking forward to perfecting my gardening next year! 

some of my favorites:
Savannah, GA
Hilton Head, SC
hawaiian islands
nashville, tn
riviera maya, mexico
seattle, wa
arches national park
roswell, nm
austin, tx
san antonio, tx

just a few of my faves

coffee & tea


experimenting in the kitchen

All things harry potter... Slytherins unite!


meet the fluff balls

meet the fluff balls




nicknames: middles, middy and piddles. 

personality: sassy, chatty, greeter, jokester, athletic, playful, wild card and loving.

midnight likes to lead people around our house. We learned early on you never shut midnight out of the bathroom or she will push it open... no privacy around here. while she is incredibly sassy, she wants all the love she can get... of course on her terms though. she loves to jump to the top of our fridge as we pass by, especially cj, and grab his head with her paws to make him stop. she loves laying on cjs lap at the end of the day and will cry at him if he doesn't pet her. 

nicknames: bluey. baby blue and bluers.  

personality: welcoming, patient, loving, snuggler, trusting, playful, sassy and chatty.

bluey girl is our lover cat. she wants all the pets, chin rubs and head massages she can get from whoever she can get them from. she sleeps with me every. night. while she sleeps the most (we think) of the 3 cats, she is undercover athletic, being our biggest cat, we are always surprised at how fast she is. She is very vocal when she is hunting, wants pets or just wants you to follow her. she has a sassy side which doesn't tolerate my chapstick sitting upright. she must knock it over if she sees it. 

nicknames: smoke, smokers and bubbas.  

personality: protecter, playful, loving, cuddler, grumpy, stubborn, trouble maker and greeter.

smokers is the only boy cat and he acts like it. he is more cautious about guests in our house and is not very keen on their attention or love unless they come around often. However, with us he is a little cuddler who loves attention and playing. he is very vocal when he wants held which is at least 1-2 times a day. He loves playing fetch, yep.. you read that right. he. plays. fetch. he also loves to pick my wreath apart and dig out all the socks out of the sock drawer onto the floor when cj leaves it open.