
to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!


to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!

New Years Word, Intentions and Goals

New Year, word, goals, intentions, goal, 2022, resolutions

Happy New Years everyone! I can’t believe we are officially a week into the new year and am hopeful your year is starting off with a bang already. Because of this thought it would be fun to share my New Years word, intentions & goals as a way to speak life into what I am working to achieve this year. Therefore, without further ado, let’s dive on in.

My word

The word I chose this year is, consistent. I have found during the last two years I have started things with the best of intentions and excitement and then life happens and I am off track. Can you relate? Then, I spend a ton of time flopping back and forth, in between being consistent and losing course. Until I take a step back, re-focus and reset my goals. Therefore, this year I am making my word consistent. In other words, I set fewer goals with the intention to allow me to be able to be more consistent and focused.

My Intentions

What I love about intentions, is that they are lived out each day independently and in relation to my goals. I like to set my intentions, so they can also serve as affirmations for myself as an individual and in my business. Speaking them each day so I can attract more of what I want.

  1. I intend to be consistent in my daily routines, rituals and schedule.
  2. Intentionally plan out my week ahead of time so I can prepare and work more intentionally.
  3. Be intentional with the time I can dedicate to work.
  4. I intend to be mindful of the goals and deadlines I set for myself and will be realistic in my strategy.
  5. Be consistent in making more healthy choices in my eating habits.
  6. I intend to finish what I set out to do.
  7. Give myself grace when I fall short of my own expectations.
  8. I intend to make sure my mindset and self talk is positive and intentional in regards to myself and my business.
  9. Continuously seek a relationship with God.
  10. I will be consistent in creating and sharing the things I love and become rooted in my passions.

My Goals

This year I set goals in five different categories; health and fitness, personal development, business, finance and spiritual. I am feeling very excited about the goals I have laid out for myself this year and am looking forward to living out being consistent in chasing them.

Health and Fitness

  1. Practice yoga 2x a week
  2. Cardio and weight lift 3-4x a week
  3. Stretch 3-4x a week (on the days that I am doing cardio and weight lifting)
  4. Salad for 1 meal 4x a week

Personal Development

  1. Read 5 books that either help me grow as an individual or help me grow my knowledge in something I am passionate about.
  2. Practice meditation to encourage stillness in my day to day.


  1. Plan my business schedule, content and launches each week.
  2. Show up and deliver on a regular schedule in my groups that serve content for friends and followers who support my business.
  3. Send out a weekly newsletter to my email list, as a way to continue to serve my supporters.
  4. Grow my senior photography and videography business with 10 LC Senior Reps for class of 2023.
  5. Book and capture 30 senior sessions.
  6. Create more awareness and support around my new shop.
  7. Reconnect with my oily community and serve consistently.
  8. Re-grow my oily business to Executive and Silver by serving my team and community well.


  1. Open 5 new accounts at the bank; baby Stemo savings, pet emergency savings, Christmas and birthday savings, car savings and emergency savings.
  2. Continue adding to my savings each month and save 10k.
  3. Maintain adding to my retirement and save 8k.
  4. Continue adding to our future house savings and save 10k.


  1. Pray everyday
  2. Bible study at least 1x a week
  3. Tithe each month
  4. Listen to Monday recordings of church service
  5. Continuously seek a relationship with God

There you have it guys. Alyssa Stemo’s and Loosearrow & Co’s 2022 New Years Word, Intentions and Goals. I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you guys set for yourself below. With that said, I would also love to hear how you guys are tracking to your goals in 2022.

In case you haven’t checked out my blog post, 9.19.2020, here it is! As a result, you can expect to be seeing a TON more blog posts from myself this year. To clarify, you can plan to read everything that encompasses me, Alyssa, as a person and business owner. Thank you for reading my New Years Word, Intentions and Goals.

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