
to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!


to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!

Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day

Yay!! Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day peeps! I will be sharing 2 popcorn combinations CJ and I enjoy on movie nights! I hope you take advantage of this day to hopefully snuggle on the couch and watch your favorite movie with a bowl of popcorn in hand! And it’s cat approved… just kidding they weren’t allowed to try it, but they were interested!

I cherish the fun memories with my family of movies and popcorn, whether at home or a theater. Anyone else at the theaters use a straw to get the movie theater butter on the popcorn at the bottom of the bag? If you haven’t tried it, try it the next time you go and tell me what you think!

Popcorn Combo One

CJ introduced this first combination of enjoying popcorn to me when we first started dating. I find it’s a great way to satisfy that salty, sour and sweet craving all at once!

Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day
National Popcorn Lovers Day

I am sure you can do this with any variety of candy you enjoy, but here is what we do. We use one package of Orville Redenbacher’s Movie Theater Butter Popcorn and then we add the following:

National Popcorn Lovers Day

We just sprinkle each candy over our popcorn to our liking and then we crack fresh black pepper over and mix. It’s weird but the black pepper is SO good on top of the mixture!

Popcorn Combo Two

This second combination came into fruition when we started using Young Living Essential Oils. I love this blend because it’s extra buttery, salty and my favorite, spicy! It’s Spicy Lime Chili Popcorn. Here is what I use to create it:

I will melt 1 TBS butter and then add 2-7 drops of Young Livings Lime Vitality Essential Oil to the melted butter before adding to popcorn. Personally do 7 drops because CJ and I love the extra “limey” flavor. We opt for the Lime Vitality Essential Oil over lime juice for a couple of reasons. One I find it doesn’t make the popcorn soggy and I am REALLY sensitive to the texture of soggy popcorn. Second, Lime essential oil is distilled from the rind of the lime and therefore, it will not wear at the enamel on our teeth, like lime juice will. I will stir the butter and lime vitality essential oil mix and pour over the popcorn in segments so I can turn the popcorn over and be sure to coat all of it. Finally, I sprinkle the chili powder and cayenne pepper over the popcorn to our liking, turning every so often so it is coated evenly.

The End…

I would love for you guys to let me know in the comments below if you tried one of these combos and what your thoughts were! If you haven’t yet be sure to follow me on Instagram here and if you are a woman (no age requirement) who is interested in learning how to take better photos whether it’s with your phone or your Iphone, join my Facebook group here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day! If so you may also like my post, Favorite Amazon Home Finds.

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