
to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!


to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!

Senior session at Chautauqua park in Boulder, Colorado

How to Prep for Your Senior Session

This guide will help you walk through the steps of how to prep for your senior session and make sure you don’t forget any part!

Make your vision come to life

The best place to start is looking through Pinterest and Senior only Facebook groups to get inspiration and see what stuff you like! The links I provided will direct you to senior specific inspiration! The most important part to your senior session is that we personalize it to you! Here are things I like to tell people to think about:

  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • What are you known for? A helpful way to figure out this is to ask your friends to describe 3-5 things you are known for.
  • What scenery and locations do you love? Important to you?
  • What do you want to include in your session? Props? Pets? Friend?
  • How do you want to dress?

Styling Consultation

One of the worst things I see happen to Seniors, is they aren’t given any direction on what to wear, what outfits to bring, etc. Not all photographers offer a complimentary styling consultation, so I highly recommend finding a photographer that includes one in your session fee and doesn’t charge for one. I love offering these styling consultations. It helps me get to know you, your style, what you vision for your session, etc. I walk you through the entire process, such as, picking colors, patterns, textures, accessories, shoes, etc. Typically my styling consultations take 30-60 min and are done via Skype or Facetime and is complimentary in every session I book! My goal is to help you look and feel your best.


The location you choose can say a lot about who you are and what you like! I encourage creative locations such as;

  • Do you eat at Chick-Fil-A every lunch break? Let’s stop there for one of the locations! I love when seniors include locations like this!
  • Do you enjoy hiking? Why not find a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park and lets go for a hike!
  • Do you play sports? We can include the field you play on in your session.

The list goes on!


I am sure you have seen photos where some props just don’t make sense for that person. Such as, mirrors, balloons, a blank canvas, etc. These items are okay to use if they have meaning to you and are a reflection of you and your personality. Mirrors would be great for someone who loves makeup and we can work a mirror into the session in a creative and unique way. Balloons are great, if you truly love them. A blank canvas and some paints are an awesome idea for someone who is an artist and loves to paint. However, I can not stress enough that you choose props that are a reflection of you and your personality.

If you found my guide, How to Prep for Your Senior Session helpful, please check out, 3 Reasons to Join a Senior Rep Team! You can join my exclusive Facebook group for ladies who are in High School, Seniors of ALP!

  1. Heidi W says:

    How do I find out details on booking a senior session for my daughter who will graduate in 2021?

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