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to the loosearrow & co blog

a place for me to write + gab about all the things i love in life!

You Just Got Engaged in Denver… Now What?

So you just got engaged in Denver… Now what? This guide will give you step by step instructions to help you navigate this exciting season of your life. While this season of your life is incredibly exciting, it can also be a tad overwhelming. Where do you start? I am here to help, so let’s dive in.

Top 10 Things To Do When You Get Engaged in Denver!

  1. Take a minute and enjoy this time. I know you are excited but at the very least take 1-2 weeks and just be engaged. No wedding planning. Going from girlfriend to fiancé is a big deal, enjoy it! It is important to prioritize each other, a wedding day is just that, a day. Value building a beautiful marriage over a beautiful wedding day.
  2. Talk to your fiancé and start dreaming. I highly recommending visiting Sapor Coffee in Denver, Colorado and chatting wedding details over their matcha latte with oat milk. Whether it’s a week or a couple months after you got engaged, your next step is to talk with your fiancé and ask some important questions. Before you bring ANYONE else (parents, siblings, planner, etc) into the planning process you and your fiancé need to be on the same page, this will prevent so much frustration that can occur during the planning process.

Discussion topics you must discuss with your fiancé after you get engaged..

  • When do we want to get married? What season? Do we have a specific date in mind?
  • Where do we want get married? Destination? Local? Venue? Family property?
  • What vendors are priority to each of us?
  • What kind of wedding celebration do we want? Fancy? Low key? Backyard? Intimate, family only? Larger guest list?
  • Any specific requests or desires for the wedding?
  • Discuss a budget. Do this before you bring family in, this way anything they want to contribute (if any) will be extra and your budget can adjust from there. What are you both willing to spend and feel comfortable spending for the wedding? I strongly encourage you guys to not overspend and go into debt during your wedding planning.
Denver Colorado, Denver Wedding Photographer, Colorado Wedding

3. Bring your parents or whoever is included in the wedding planning process. It is important to consider your parents and fiancé’s parents requests for the day as well. This will help down the road from any hurt feelings, miscommunication, etc. Here are some things to discuss and ask your parents..

Discussion topics you must discuss with the parents after you get engaged…

  • Let them know where your boundaries are. This maybe difficult but it is important to set clear boundaries (within reason). For example, no discussing wedding planning past a certain time in the evening (it shouldn’t consume you guys). While it’s important for them to be included you can nicely and respectfully let them know that some decisions just you and your fiancé will be making.
  • Bring them in on what you and your fiancé discussed. They will understand what you guys are envisioning for your day, guest count, what your vendor priorities are, what you yourselves are comfortable spending for the day as a whole, etc.
  • If they want to contribute money, ask them what they would like their money put towards (food, photography, etc), give them a say in that. After all, they are contributing money to your day, they don’t have to do that.
  • Ask them is there any part of the wedding planning they would like to participate in? Be present for? For example: food tasting, meeting the dj, dress search/fitting, picking out suits, etc. Make them feel included! This will help alleviate any hurt feelings before the wedding day.
  • Do they have any special requests for wedding planning or day of wedding?

4. Begin drafting your guest list. I recommend creating two lists. One list is “must invite” people and the second list is “it would be nice but not necessary” people. Allow parents to do the same, then come together and compare lists. When you have an estimated guest list you can move on.

Denver Wedding Photographer, Denver Wedding, Engaged Denver

5. It’s time to look at the money you have for your wedding and divided appropriately amongst the necessary expenses. Your guest number will help you estimate food costs, venue/location costs and table/seating costs. You guys can divide the wedding budget based on your priorities.

Things to consider with your wedding budget…

  • You and your finacé already discussed what vendors/services were priority, so now you need to allocate money for each of those priorities that you and your fiancé feel comfortable with.
  • Be willing to cut costs in areas that aren’t priority. For example, if having a cake isn’t important, then don’t have one. It’s your wedding day and you don’t have to do “all” the traditional wedding stuff.
  • If your priority vendor/service is going to cost more than what you and your fiancé agreed upon then you MUST reconvene with your fiancé. How much more is it going to cost? What are YOU willing to do to earn that extra money? What can YOU cut out of your life for a short time to save money for it (Starbucks, target, etc.)? Last, is there another area in the budget you guys can agree to reduce?

5. The next step after you get engaged in Denver is to begin searching for a location that can accommodate your estimated guest list. If you guys are flexible on your wedding date, ask the venue about availability for 2-3 dates. This is important for the next step.

6. Find and book your Photo and Video team. Check in with them about dates that coincide with the venue. The purpose behind asking the venue for 2-3 dates is to ensure that your dream photo and video team are available on hopefully one of those dates. Best case scenario they are and you can lock down a date.

How to choose your Colorado photographer and videographer team after you get engaged in Denver…

  • This is where I come in, I am your Denver, Colorado go to photographer and videographer team! Click here to contact me about your wedding day, I love chatting details! The best way to make sure we are the right fit for one another is:
  • Check out my portfolio here
  • If you like what you see you can head here for some basic info
  • If you get though and we are a perfect match, contact me so we can chat wedding date and details!

7. Choose your wedding party. Who do you want to stand next to you on your wedding day? Are you and your fiancé going to get them little gifts? Ask them in a fun way? Have fun with this!

8. Hire a Day of Coordinator/Wedding Planner. If your budget allows for this, hire a professional to manage the day of festivities. Often times the mistake I see happen is having a “family or friend” do it and that person doesn’t get to enjoy the day.

9. Get organized. Make a checklist, get a planner and track your budget, tasks that still need to be done, vendor contacts, contracts, etc.

10. Schedule your engagement and trailer film session with your hired photographer and videographer team! This is the perfect way to celebrate getting engaged in Denver. They should help you guys personalize your session with location ideas, styling prep and other unique ideas!

Check out How to Plan a Stress Free Wedding in Denver

Contact me if you would like to inquire about my photo and video services for your wedding day.

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